Younis & Co

What’s in a name

WHO: Younis & Co

WHAT: brand strategy

WHY: reposition company in the market

HOW: client insights, develop brand story, core values, design brief



This partnership initially thought they needed to change their name in order to represent to the market they they were growing, able to provide more complete accounting and tax services and solutions, and that they did not hold the culture of a suburban firm.


Talking to clients and obtaining their insights on the firm and its people and bringing the experience of brand name change to the table, the partners thinking moved from a change of name to exploring, understanding and articulating their brand essence, and living and communicating this in every way.

Working with all partners and staff, and drawing upon the feedback from client interviews, a brand essence, brand story, core values, and accepted firm behaviours were formally recognised and embraced as points of difference to be proud of and to take to market. The brand essence and story formed the basis for a design brief which was required to align all their internal and external communications.


The firm applied their internal brand promise “doing more” to all activities – internal and external. They then used this as a barometer as to how well they are living the brand. A new website was designed and populated, the interior of the office was refurbished, the visual brand was applied to all pieces of communications, and partners were coached on a more client focused approach to structuring and presenting their credentials and business offers.